Ideal for those responsible for wind turbine maintenance and inspection of statutory equipment

Industry-agreed training and testing that meets regulatory requirements for mechanical joint integrity in wind turbines

ECITB approved provider training in wind turbine hub rescue

ECITB scholarships for wind turbine technicians available

Approved courses from providers

Wind core (4 stage model)


This training course is a pre-requisite for the 3 training courses below.

The principles and concepts that underpin the safe and effective inspection and maintenance of wind turbine statutory equipment such as the service lift. The course covers materials, principles, legislation, role of the examiner and maintainer to ensure compliance with legislation and correct completion of thorough examination reports and records. Also includes the detailed examination of wire rope and chain and the related mandatory measurements for compliance. (Based on TS WT01-01.)

3 days

Compact and davit cranes (4 stage model)


Training that builds on the core knowledge and principles to conduct thorough examinations and maintenance of compact and davit cranes. This course includes lots of hands-on practical activities including wire changes and load testing. Report writing is further practiced for inspections. (Based on TS WT01-02.)

2 days

Wind turbine lift maintenance and inspection (4 stage model)


Training that builds on the core knowledge and principles to examine the various types of in-service lifts, both wire guided and ladder guided, you will also conduct thorough examinations and maintenance of a lift. This course includes lots of hands-on practical activities including component changes and load testing. Report writing is further practiced for inspections. (Based on TS WT01-03.)

2.5 days

Inspection of working at height systems and equipment (4 stage model)


Training that builds on the core knowledge and principles to examine the numerous types of WAH systems and equipment, you will conduct thorough examinations and examine PPE and fall arrest systems for compliance, complete mandatory reports. This course includes lots of hands-on practical activities and inspections of the WAH systems both fixed and temporary installations. (Based on TS WT01-04.)

1 day

Wind turbine hub rescue

HBR 01
This course requires learners to have a level of skill in first aid, rope access, confined space, working at height and manual handling. The training covers hub rescue and:
• the equipment required
• evacuating a casualty
• actions to take after rescuing the casualty
This training includes a practice in the recovery of an incapacitated person and the difficulties of hub rescue.
(Based on TS HBR 01)
1 day

Torque and tension wind turbine bolted connections (inc blended & e-learning options)

WT01-MJI 33
This training course provides the knowledge and skills to work safely in verified bolting activities on wind turbines and includes the following for wind turbine bolted connections:
• hand torque
• hydraulic torque
• hydraulic tension
(Based on TS WT01-MJI 33)
0.5 to 1 day

Technical tests

Statutory inspection and maintenance

TWT01 01 TWT01 02 TWT02 03 TWT01 04

TWT01 is a pre-requisite for the other three tests. Tests TWT01-02, 03 & 04 must be retaken every 3 years to verify competence.

This statutory inspection and maintenance test is part of the 4-stage model.

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Torque and tension wind turbine bolted connections


This technical test confirms that the candidate can torque and tension wind turbine bolted connections.

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Wind core assessment

TWT01 01

This test is a pre-requisite to TWT01 02, 03 and 04 and confirms that the candidate has the essential underpinning knowledge and skills required to undertake them.

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Wind turbine compact and davit crane assessment

TWT 01 TWT 02 TWT 03 TWT 04

This test confirms the candidate’s ability to inspect either a compact or davit crane, examine it, identify faults and complete a report to confirm if the crane is serviceable.

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Wind turbine statutory lift assessment

TWT 01 02

This test confirms the candidate’s ability to inspect an in service lift, examine it, identify faults, complete a report to confirm if the lift is serviceable.

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Wind working at height equipment and systems assessment

TWT 01 TWT 02 TWT 03 TWT 04

This test confirms the candidate’s ability to inspect and examine an installed working at height (WAH) system and personal protective equipment (PPE) and to then complete a report and confirm if the PPE or WAH equipment is serviceable.

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