Ideal route into engineering construction

Gain essential knowledge and practical skills

Verify technical skills with technical tests

Gain independent verification of occupational competence with ECITB qualification

ECITB training courses

Abrasive wheels

Learn how to safely and effectively operate hand-held and mounted abrasive wheel tools. This course includes practical activities in the workshop and testing to reinforce the skills learnt.

1 day


An introduction to the firewatcher role, the observation and monitoring of fire risk and hot work areas are covered in this course. Learn what to do if a fire is discovered and how to follow a safe system of work, raise the alarm, evacuate others safely and discharge a fire extinguisher.

1 day

Confined space: low risk

Learn how to safely work in a low risk confined space, know the hazards, equipment and specific requirements for entering and working safely including dealing with emergencies. The training includes an assessment and practical exercises such as the simulation of a dangerous situation requiring completion of emergency exit procedures.

1 day

Confined space: medium risk

Learn how to work safely in a medium risk confined space environment that requires the use of escape breathing apparatus and the presence of one or more people responsible for controlling the entry and dealing with emergencies. This training includes an assessment and practical exercises including the simulation of a dangerous situation requiring the use of an escape set.

1 day

Manual handling

Learn safe manual handling techniques and recognise the risks associated with poor manual handling techniques. This course includes an assessment and practical exercises, one completed as an individual and the other as a team.

1 day

Working at height

Learn how to prepare for and work safely at height whilst performing engineering activities. Includes an assessment and practical exercises such as inspecting lanyards and harnesses for defects, preparing and reinstating the work area. This training aligns with the working-at-height regulations, relevant British Standard and code of practice for working at height and rescue.

1 day

Working safely with hand and power tools

Learn how to identify, safely use, store and check a range of tools needed to carry out basic engineering tasks. These tools include: hammers, chisels and punches, files, screwdrivers, hacksaws, spanners and wrenches, powered drills, pillar drills, saws and grinders. This training includes an assessment and practical exercises including cutting, filing, using hand tools to measure, power tools to drill.

1 day

Technical tests

Join materials by manually controlled welding process


This test confirms operatives can join materials by manually controlled welding process, preparing four test pieces for welding and tack weld two sections of the joint securely.

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Mark out to required specification


This test confirms operatives can mark out metal plates for fabrication and production of components to a required specification.

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Move engineering loads by manual operation


This test confirms operatives can safely move an engineering load by manual operation from a storage area to its final location, securing it for work execution.

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Read and extract information from engineering drawings and specifications


This test confirms operatives can mark out metal plates for fabrication and production of components to a required specification.

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Shape engineering components by material removal using hand tools


This test confirms operatives can mark out and shape engineering components by material removal using hand tools.

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Specialist safely working at height tests


These tests confirm operatives have the skills and ability to set up working-at-height resources correctly and carry out a rescue of a simulated unconscious casualty, working as a team of two.

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Thermal insulation


This test confirms operatives can safely and accurately apply insulation and non-metallic cladding to pipework to specification.

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