Tests and qualifications developed with industry experts

Gain independent verification of technical skills with ECITB's technical tests

Gain independent verification of occupational competence with ECITB's regulated qualifications

Approved courses from providers

Test the performance and condition of engineering construction electrical plant and equipment


This course covers competence in testing electrical plant and equipment. Learners will be expected to refer to manufacturer’s manuals, follow company procedures and take account of the relevant installation procedures and safe working practices.

5 days

Technical tests

Electrical installation


This series of technical tests verify the electrical installer’s ability to safely and effectively install and terminate specific equipment to wiring regulations on the following types of equipment:

  • circuits for emergency lighting or electrical distribution and circuit protective devices
  • transformers and chokes
  • alarm systems
  • battery and UPS systems
  • generators
  • AC and DC electrical motors
  • lighting equipment
  • controllers for HV and air conditioning equipment and systems
  • cable support systems and cables
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Electrical maintenance


These technical tests verify the electrical maintenance technician’s knowledge and their ability to carry out checks, inspections and maintenance (including fault diagnosis, where relevant) on one of the following types of electrical equipment:

  • test circuits with pre-set faults
  • portable equipment
  • three phase distribution board
  • 3-phase system
  • battery and UPS systems
  • industrial switch gear
  • AC and DC electric motors
  • HVAC and HV equipment
There are also practical tests that require the maintenance technician to carry out a hazardous area electrical inspection and ensure safe isolation.
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Connected Competence

Electrical tests are available under Connected Competence. Through industry-recognised, standardised testing, Connected Competence assures an ongoing base level of technical competence for workers across the engineering construction industry (ECI) to create a safer, more competent and transferable workforce.

Find out more about Connected Competence

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