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Project Collaboration Toolkit

The ECITB’s Project Collaboration Toolkit (Edition 3) supports collaborative working relationships across the engineering construction sector. The toolkit offers advice and guidance to companies looking to work together more efficiently.  The toolkit shares industry best practice and guides clients, contractors and other supply chain organisations on joint working.

Originally designed for the offshore oil and gas sector, the toolkit has now been used on several projects where pooled resources and shared skills and expertise have improved efficiency and provided a wide range of benefits.

The Project Collaboration Toolkit model

Project Collaboration Toolkit model

Project Collaboration Toolkit – Review Checklists

Monitor the progress of your project using the Project Collaboration Toolkit review checklists for Phases 1, 2 & 3 (to print).

Project Collaboration Toolkit in action

The Project Collaboration Toolkit was created to help the UK industry improve its efficiency in a competitive global market by sharing skills and expertise to keep costs down. The following case studies demonstrate how the toolkit is working in practice.

Project collaboration as a catalyst for change: the view from industry

The Project Management Steering Group (PMSG)

The Project Management activities of the ECITB are led and supported by the Project Management Steering Group (PMSG), a voluntary team which was formed at the request of Industry in 2014. The PMSG works to encourage co-operation between businesses and organises conferences for industry to improve collaborative working.

Find out more about the PMSG

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