2025 ACTIVE Cup dates
24 to 26 January
Cranfield School of Management at Cranfield University
3 to 5 March
Carnoustie Golf Hotel, north of Dundee
4 to 6 July
Cranfield School of Management at Cranfield University
Sign up for the July 2025 ACTIVE Cup
The application window for the July 2025 ACTIVE Cup competition at Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, is now open. The first two events of the year were very popular, so don’t delay to confirm your place.
Closing date for entries is 23 May.
Enter hereACTIVE Cup learning aims and objectives
The ACTIVE Cup is part of the ECITB’s wider project management training programmes aimed at raising skill levels within the engineering construction industry.
The overall learning aims of the competition are to develop:
- An understanding of management processes in the continuous planning / execution / control cycle of a dynamic project.
- The implementation of the ACTIVE Principles in the execution of a dynamic project.
- An understanding of the relationship between cost, schedule and cash flow.
- An understanding of project risk management and the allocation of commercial risk through appropriate forms of contract.
- Commercial awareness and skills in negotiation with clients, suppliers and banks.
- Organisational skills working as a key member of a project team.
Hear from ACTIVE Cup delegates
Full profile details
Who is this for?
The competition is aimed at project management practitioners, project team members, engineers and support/service staff such as HR and accounts personnel who interface with and provide services to project teams.
A combined team can comprise delegates from several SMEs if desired. Larger companies may wish to include up to two members from their partner and alliancing companies, supply chain companies or their subcontractors.
Team captains should be project practitioners with some experience in team management.
The remaining team members should have a minimum of one year project exposure and some knowledge of basic project management techniques.
Past events
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