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Projects in the engineering construction industry (ECI) are often large, complex and with a high degree of risk. This requires greater detail in the analysis and interpretation of the data involved.

Project controllers provide data analysis and insight, which requires skills such as estimating, planning, scheduling, cost control and risk management. The role involves setting detailed objectives against which progress is tracked, analysing progress and then providing robust recommendations and recovery plans.

This all enables the project manager to be able to keep the project on track. So, without the support of a good project controls team, you’re not going to succeed.

Career progression framework

The Project Controls Career Progression Framework Aspect Ratio 740 740

Career progression framework

The ECITB, in collaboration with UK companies, has developed a structured career progression framework, including training, upskilling, apprenticeships and professional recognition.

Ideal for enhancing competencies and fostering growth from entry-level to senior management, integrating this ECITB/industry-led framework, training, qualifications, and apprenticeship standards into your staff development will support you in nurturing talent and will provides a clear pathway for career progression.

Approved Training Providers

20/20 Business Insight, College of Contract Management, Go Forth, Blueprint Project Solutions and Kingsfield Academy are ECITB approved providers delivering project control courses.


Find out more about project control training courses and qualifications

Project control careers: Case studies

People at different points in their professional journey reveal there’s a lot to like about a career in project controls.

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