Provider Course Approval Scheme FAQs

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How likely is it that my course will be approved?

When you submit a course for approval you must submit a copy of the training standard (TS) and clearly identify where the specific key learning points (KLP) are addressed within the slides, delegate workbook, lesson plan etc.

Every TS includes the requirement for a consolidation activity such as a knowledge test to ensure the learning is reinforced. It should be clear in the course how this is communicated to delegates and how they receive feedback. It should also be clear in the mapping how this consolidation activity covers ALL of the KLPs in the TS.

The approval panel will check that the submitted course meets all of the learning outcomes, key learning points and enabling objectives identified in the training standard. If the mapping is clear and comprehensive it improves the likelihood of approval.

What if I want to modify / update my PCAS approved course / course assessment material?

The licence agreement between ECITB and an ATP allows for tweaking and tailoring of courses to meet the needs of your clients in terms of examples and exercises, for example. But this must still meet the requirements stated in the training standards.

If an ATP wishes to update their already approved PCAS course they should gain approval from the ECITB before delivering a modified course.

How long is my course approved for?

Approval lasts for three years. You will receive notification of this via email.

What if the training standard is updated?

If the training standard on which your course is based is updated you will be notified via an ATP bulletin. This will outline how essential any updates to courses are. This will depend if the update is safety critical, the time frame and the process. ECITB will work with ATPs to ensure this is realistic.

The ECITB is keen to support provider training courses and ensure minimum disruption to the delivery of these. Training standard reviews identify potential improvements to what is already there and ensure they are fit for purpose for the delivery of courses and the content required by engineering construction employers.

How should I brand my course?

A course submitted to PCAS is copyright of the ATP that has submitted it and should carry the ATP branding along with the ECITB approved provider logo.

Promoting and scheduling your PCAS approved course

Once approved, your ECITB approved course can be scheduled in the MSP. This can then be pulled through into the course finder on the ECITB website. We are always looking to share success stories from our training providers, so get in touch with your Product Manager to discuss how we can help to promote this further.

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