Save New ECITB-backed report calls for careers system overhaul to favourites

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An ECITB-sponsored Skills Commission report published today calls for government to ensure that the careers system can support people into work, in particular those making career transitions, to help on the long road to recovery from the pandemic.

Transition to Ambition: Navigating the careers maze.

The report – Transition to Ambition: Navigating the careers maze – examines the careers information, advice and guidance system in England, and how it supports transitions into employment. It was produced for the Skills Commission by cross-party think-tank Policy Connect, and co-chaired by Nicola Richards MP (Con), Lord Jim Knight (Lab) and Dr Siobhan Neary (University of Derby).

The Transition to Ambition report calls for:

Chris Claydon, Chief Executive of the ECITB, said: “The pandemic has caused a great deal of instability in the economy and labour market, which combined with the effects of Brexit and the fourth industrial revolution, means additional help is needed to help people of all ages navigate labour market challenges.

“Careers information, advice and guidance must work to support as many people as possible with their transitions into employment and across careers, especially if we are to address future skills gaps and workforce shortages.”

About the report

The research leading to this report was conducted by Policy Connect on behalf of the Skills Commission, and its author Megan Hector is a member of Policy Connect’s Education and Skills Team. The inquiry was sponsored by Jisc, the Edge Foundation, ECITB, the University of Derby, and the University of Sussex.

Read the full report here

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