Save Have Your Say: ECITB Launches 2024 Customer Satisfaction Survey to favourites

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The ECITB is launching its annual Customer Satisfaction Survey to gauge performance and identify areas for improvement. This crucial feedback mechanism helps shape future strategies and services.

The survey will be conducted by an independent research organisation, IFF Research, who will ensure all responses remain completely anonymous, allowing for constructive feedback.

From 9th September to 4th October 2024, IFF will contact in-scope employers, training providers, approved centres and other key stakeholders.

The survey, consisting of a 25-minute telephone interview or online questionnaire, offers an opportunity for participants to influence the future of skills development in the engineering construction industry.

Andrew Hockey Aspect Ratio 600 600

“Your feedback is invaluable in helping us refine and enhance our services. We’re eager to hear diverse perspectives from across our stakeholder spectrum.

“This research not only measures our performance but also ensures that we’re actively listening and responding to the needs of those we serve. Your input directly shapes the improvements we make and the direction we take.”

Andrew Hockey

Chief Executive of the ECITB emphasised the survey’s importance

Key points about the survey

  • Duration: 25 minutes
  • Format: Telephone interview or online questionnaire
  • Period: September 9th – October 4th, 2024
  • Conducted by: IFF Research
  • Anonymity: Guaranteed

Why industry participation is crucial

Taking part helps the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) to:

  • Assess current performance
  • Identify areas needing improvement
  • Understand emerging industry needs
  • Shape future strategies and services

Andrew added: “We strongly encourage all contacted stakeholders to participate and thank you in advance for your time and valuable input.

“Your insights are vital in ensuring the ECITB continues to effectively support the engineering construction industry’s skills needs.”

For more information about the survey or to ensure you’re included, please contact your ECITB Relationship Manager or email:

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