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An opportunity for all

The programme delivers life-changing opportunities for those selected

Skills for life

Gain industry standard qualifications that will enhance your employment prospects and skills that are in demand

Guaranteed job interview

May also include conditional employment offer at start of programme pending completion of course

No cost to learners

This is a free programme for learners and Universal Credit/Job Seeker's Allowance recipients retain full benefits while on programme

When you successfully complete your course, you will achieve a Diploma in Performing Engineering Operations together with employability skills training. You will also receive work-ready skills and ECITB certification including:

  • Client and Contract National Safety Group (CCNSG) Safety Passport
  • Manual handling
  • Handheld and abrasive wheels
  • Working in low risk confined space
  • Working at height
  • Working safely with hand and power tools and equipment


  • ECITB Digital Passport (delivered through online learning):
  • Using devices and handling information
  • Creating and editing documents and spreadsheets
  • Digital communication
  • Correspondence and presentations
  • Online safety

Are you an employer looking for more information on Work Ready?

The ECITB Work Ready Programme is designed to tackle industry skills shortages and support individuals into employment.

The programme is a collaborative and co-funded partnership between the ECITB, employers, training providers, the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and other local partners.

Learn more on how employers can get involved in ECITB's new entrant programme

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