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On the 20th anniversary of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, Interim CEO of the ECITB Andy Brown, shared with trade magazine PBC why the engineering construction industry must strive towards a zero harm legacy for the sector and how the CCNSG Safety Passport can help.

The article shared how the average number of fatal injuries in the construction sector has fallen since 1993 thanks to health and safety training, like the ECITB’s CCNSG Safety Passport.

Read the full article:

Working towards a zero harm legacy in engineering construction

The CCNSG Safety Passport provides information and training that helps contractors reduce risk by:

Effective training to achieve a CCNSG Passport will:

Andy said: “Organisations across the ECI must ensure their workers hold the requisite skills and knowledge through quality-assured training to continue to reduce the number of work-related fatalities and injuries in our sector.

“Site owners should both support and mandate nationally recognised schemes, like the CCNSG, to ensure these workers receive the high quality of training they need while ensuring the transferability of personnel both within the sector and across the wider industry.

“As we strive towards Net Zero we must work towards a zero harm legacy.  Anything else will tarnish the achievement of the energy transition. Safety training saves lives.  Priority MUST be given to protecting the workforce.”

Read more on the CCNSG Safety Passport

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