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An ECITB-backed programme to help project management professionals in the oil and gas sector develop their leadership skills and reach chartered status has enjoyed its most successful year ever.

The Registered Project Professional programme (RPP), now in its sixth year, was completed by 14 participants, the highest number to date.

Delivered remotely by Changescope using the established Association for Project Management standard, the programme enables professional candidates to demonstrate their capabilities as a responsible leader, with the skills and abilities required to manage complex project and use appropriate tools, processes and techniques.

Chris Claydon - ECITB Chief Executive

Chris Claydon, ECITB Chief Executive

Chris Claydon, Chief Executive of ECITB, said: “Congratulations to all the candidates in what is the ECITB’s sponsored Registered Project Professional programme’s most successful year. This excellent programme is open to professionals from all backgrounds or industry sectors with experience of managing others in a project environment.

“To complete the programme successfully requires a depth of knowledge and understanding of project management to understand how to improve project performance, helping their employers gain competitive advantage through better project delivery, as well as this highly regarded professional recognition.”

Jackie Martin, APM

Jackie Martin, Director of Education and Lifelong Learning at APM, said: “We would like to congratulate ECITB’s cohort of project professionals on their success in attaining RPP status. Working towards recognised standards is the hallmark of continuous improvement, which is something that ECITB is clearly committed to.”

“As the chartered body for the project profession, we’re proud to lead the way in setting and maintaining universally high standards, including chartership, and we look forward to continuing to support project practitioners from all sectors to develop and progress towards Chartered Project Professional (ChPP) status as part of our ongoing drive to enhance technical knowledge, professional practice and ethical behaviour within our profession.”


To find out more about the RRP click here.


Here’s what the participants had to say about this year’s RPP:

Douglas Law, Project Manager  at Petrofac (Engineering and Production Services), said: “The course was more challenging than expected which makes achieving the qualification all the more rewarding.

“The tutorial sessions force you to dig deep on your experience to ensure you are providing an answer which meets the criteria for qualification and also provides a good structure to not leave too much to the last minute.”

Daryl Elliott, Founder of Harluc Projects, said: “The RPP process itself is not about ticking a box to get your credentials. Of course, the RPP status is prestigious in itself, but the process is a journey which helps you self-reflect and put into perspective the journey you have been on in your career so far. It also enables you to take some learnings from the experiences you have gained over the years and in turn, picture the direction you want to take in your career.

“The RPP has gave me the drive to spend more time on my CPD, engage with my peers and seek how I can contribute to the profession. The process was tough but thoroughly enjoyable and being part of the ECITB cohort helped extend my network and engage with like-minded project professionals which helped up the standard of my submission”

C. Strachan, Project Services Lead with Neptune Energy, said: “Neptune Energy is strongly focused on the development of its people and we recognise the benefits of the APM qualifications and training to strengthen project management competence in its teams.

“Having the support of the ECITB whilst I completed my RPP application was an incredible opportunity. Working with a cohort allowed networking and exposure to alternative roles within the industry, especially appreciated during the lockdown when external stimulus was limited! It is really positive that ECITB is taking the lead in ensuring that the UK industries continually develop these skills so that our workforce improve on the ability to deliver projects successfully.”

Ellie Zemani Project Manager with Spirit Energy, said: “It’s been fantastic experience to be part of the ECITB-sponsored RPP programme. The programme provided an opportunity to focus on the science and practice of project management, with a benefit of being coached by Eddie Kilkelly of Changescope.

“Eddie has a wealth of experience in complex programme delivery and has been a great support to our group in working towards Registered Project Professional status.  Having achieved RPP, I am now in the process of applying for my ChPP with the APM which is an established benchmark for the project management profession.”

Vicki Findlater, Project Controls Analyst / Risk Advisor with Spirit Energy, said: I am delighted to have achieved the APM Registered Project Professional standard through the ECITB-sponsored support programme. Whilst the programme required a considerable commitment, it was broken down into manageable sections with invaluable support and guidance throughout. This programme has helped me to achieve the formal recognition of this professional standard through demonstrating my practical skills and knowledge. Thank you ECITB and Changescope.”

Eddie Kilkelly, Director of Changescope, said: “We are delighted to have been invited by ECITB to deliver this RPP coaching programme and also with the results achieved with not only the largest number so far but also an impressive 100% success rate to date.

“All credit to the cohort, who joined the programme with boundless enthusiasm, quickly realised what they had let themselves in for and yet persevered and invested the time to achieve a most prestigious award from the UK Chartered Body.  At times it was challenging and yet they each showed real determination, staying power and expertise.  Congratulations to everyone who took part.”

The other successful candidates achieving their Registered Project Professional status are:

Tom Perrott, Harbour Energy

Matt Staines, CNOOC International

Peter Byrne, PBS by Ponticelli

Matthew Grant, Harbour Energy

Innes Jordan, CNOOC International

Douglas Coombe, Wood plc

Stephen Forrester, Mechatherm

Roozbeh Gholizadeh, Oceaneering

Kerr Hewit, Petrofac



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