A team from global engineering and construction company, Fluor, has scooped top prize in the second virtual ACTIVE Cup Challenge in 2021.
Winners Thomas Nugent, Junayed Sarker, Stephen Craggs, Claire Cumner and Dimitrios Zavos beat stiff competition from eight other teams from companies located throughout the UK.

The winning team from Fluor
Second place (Gold Award) was presented to T2 from Worley, while those taking part from Stork won the Silver Award. The Most Improved Award went to the Stopford team.
Organised by the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB), the simulated construction project is run in collaboration with Cranfield School of Management as part of a wider project management training initiative within the engineering construction industry. The virtual events are being held over four and a half days.
The teams were required to manage a fixed price Environmental Defence Project, during which they had all tendered successfully for the construction of a high technology environmental monitoring centre located along a stretch of an environmentally damaged South American river.
The winning team was judged to be the one most consistent with the initial predictions, as well as adhering to and using the ACTIVE principles most effectively while learning from their mistakes. During the event, there were significant opportunities for teams to engage in the negotiations of claims for client-driven scope changes, and in the resolution of disputes.

ECITB CEO Chris Claydon
Chris Claydon, ECITB Chief Executive, congratulated everyone on their success in what was a very competitive field.
“This year’s ACTIVE cup was held under challenging circumstances, as none of the team members could meet in person; however, the virtual event was very successful, with all the groups collaborating well,” he said.
“The ACTIVE Cup programme is an important fixture in the annual calendar because it shows how industry can come together to ensure best practice approaches in key areas like project management are widely understood and undertaken.
“The ECITB is proud to support this flagship competition and the many other project management development activities that promote skills development, knowledge sharing and collaborative working within the sector.”
The companies which participated in this year’s ACTIVE Cup were: Subsea 7, Stork, Worley (two teams), Technip FMC, Petrofac, KBR, Fluor and Stopford Projects.