Save ECITB welcomes the Offshore Wind Sector Deal to favourites

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The ECITB has welcomed the publication of the Offshore Wind Sector Deal Sector Deal, part of the Government’s Industrial Strategy.

Chris Claydon, Chief Executive of the ECITB, said: “The ECITB welcomes the Offshore Wind Sector Deal.  Over a quarter of Engineering Construction companies support the renewable energy sector and, as the statutory skills body for the engineering construction industry, we have a crucial role to play in developing the workforce to meet current and future demand.

“The ECITB supports a wide range of training across the sector and has developed industry-leading standards, such as the Wind Turbine Blade Repair Standard. Our work to boost transferable skills in the offshore oil and gas sector, through the Connected Competence programme, is highly relevant to offshore wind. We look forward to exploring how the programme might align with the proposed Offshore Energy Passport in the coming months.

“The ECITB will help further with the implementation of the deal by plugging skills gaps and supporting new entrants to embark on careers in Offshore Wind. We also strongly support the commitment to boosting diversity and will continue to play our part in helping industry attract more women and BAME groups to pursue careers in this exciting sector.”

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