Save New Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy will bring net zero opportunities to industry to favourites

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The ECITB has welcomed the Government’s landmark Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy, which sets out the UK’s path to Energy Transition.

The document, published yesterday (17 March), sets out the blueprint to drive down emissions by two-thirds in the next 15 years announcing Phase 2 funding to begin the rollout of decarbonisation infrastructure across 9 green tech projects in Scotland, South Wales and North West, Humber and Teesside in England, using technologies such as carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) and hydrogen.

ECITB Chief Executive Chris Claydon

ECITB Chief Executive Chris Claydon

Chris Claydon, Chief Executive of the ECITB, said: “The Government’s Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy and confirmation of £171m Phase 2 funding for 9 Industrial Decarbonisation deployment projects is hugely welcome news that will bring significant opportunities for the engineering construction industry.

“These projects will deliver crucial front-end design work across the industrial clusters. They represent a step-change in the level of engineering construction activity engaged in carbon capture and hydrogen production to date, and will lead to a greater understanding of the overall skills demands of net zero and the job opportunities that will arise as we decarbonise heavy industry.

“This industry foresight will directly inform the work of the ECITB as we develop new training products and skills solutions for the net zero workforce. By working with employers to address emerging and future skills requirements, the ECITB can help supply chain companies compete for contracts as industrial decarbonisation activity progresses.”

Net Zero resources from the ECITB

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