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As part of a campaign focusing on health and safety, the ECITB is publishing a series of top tips to help create a better safety culture in the engineering construction industry (ECI).

With health and safety training being one of the key contributors in helping reduce accidents and lost-time incidents on sites, the ECITB’s CCNSG Safety Passport course helps to develop a positive health and safety culture, where safe and healthy working becomes second nature to everyone.

Below are tips from the CCNSG course to help keep you and your colleagues safe.

Accidents or near misses

All accidents and near-miss incidents must be reported, however minor. To achieve this, the following procedure should be adopted.

  • Report all near misses to your supervisor or your safety representative as soon as possible.
  • Get treatment for any injury from a trained first aider or other appointed person.
  • Make the area safe following the incident.
  • Enter details in the accident book.
  • Inform the injured person’s manager (or a responsible person) of the incident.
  • Keep the company informed of any after-effects of the incident, including periods of total or partial incapacity for work.
  • Assist the company with the accident investigation to minimise future risk.

First aid

The following arrangements should be followed to ensure that suitable and sufficient first aid personnel and equipment is available.

  • First aid personnel must inform the company when their training certification is nearing expiry.
  • Familiarise yourself with the identity and location of your first aider and first aid box.
  • The names of first aid personnel must be displayed on the noticeboard.
  • Ensure that there is easy access to first aid equipment and that your work area does not interfere with access to this.
  • Report all first aid treatment to your supervisor at once.
  • Remember you must always record all accidents in the accident book.

The ECITB plays a vital role in ensuring the UK has workers with the skills industry needs both now and for the future.

This includes ensuring workers hold the requisite health and safety skills and knowledge to keep both themselves and their colleagues safe when operating in some of the most hazardous and safety critical environments in industry.


Find out more about CCNSG and how to book a course

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