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The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) and the Engineering Construction Industry Association (ECIA) are inviting all engineering construction employers in North West England to an event on 9 October 2024 to further the skills strategy for the region.

This joint event from ECITB and ECIA will have an interactive ECITB skills workshop and a skills round table tailored to the North West engineering construction industry in the morning, with the ECIA regional meeting for its members taking place after lunch.

Guest speaker is Jane Gaston from the Net Zero North West industrial cluster.

ECITB-approved training providers will showcase the training they deliver at the event.

9 October 2024

from 9:30am-3:30pm and includes a networking lunch.

Park Royal Hotel, Stretton, Warrington, WA4 4NS

Untitled Design 11 Aspect Ratio 600 600

“The event will be a great opportunity to discuss how we can sustainably grow the skills base in the North West. The interactive workshop sessions will cover current opportunities and challenges faced by industry and how collaboration could unlock opportunities.

You will be able to speak to training providers from across the country to see what training is available which most closely fits your business needs. This includes new training around net zero.

There will be an update on HyNet – the project to reduce carbon emissions from industry, homes and transport and support economic growth in the North West of England. Experts from the project will outline the opportunities for industry contractors. And there will be a chance to network with senior industry players and share challenges, opportunities and best practice.”

Alan Neale

Regional Operations Manager

“The ECIA is looking forward to this joint event, spearheading collaboration across the ECI and ensuring continual focus on the critical issues of skills development.”

The ECIA is a member-led association that provides a collective voice for employers with the engineering construction industry.

Oli Slack

ECIA Regional Manager

Places are limited and must be booked in advance.

ECIA member organisations should contact Ludi Fluor to book a place.

Non-ECIA member organisations should contact your Relationship Manager to book a place.

Contact your Relationship Manager to book your place.


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