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Why equity, diversity and inclusion are so important

Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan

Championing equity, diversity and inclusion is a key strategic objective for the ECITB.

There are many facets of diversity. There is also a lack of diversity across engineering construction in many areas, although data to underpin that fact is sparse beyond gender and age.  Some facets are visible, but not all.

Different facets also intersect so any individual will belong within several groups. It is wrong to assume that the group sharing a characteristic is an homogenous entity. For example, two women or men could face very different experiences or barriers because they have different ethnicity, disability or parental responsibilities. The support that would help them both achieve the same equality of opportunity will be different.

Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) Action Plan sets out our objectives for this strategy period to progress towards our goal.

Our key aims during this strategy period are:

  • Stimulate knowledge sharing and support opportunities.
  • Encourage collection of diversity data to drive action.
  • Work with partners to widen the diversity of participation on ECITB new entrant schemes.
  • Improve the collection of actionable diversity metrics for ECITB training programmes.

Together with industry

Engineering Construction D&I Network

The cross-sector ED&I network will gather on a quarterly basis and will explore various key themes around the subject of D&I. We will showcase industry examples of good D&I practice, host talks and knowledge shares by D&I experts and provide a forum for discussion and collaboration amongst in-scope employers on ED&I related campaigns and projects.

To join the network, please contact your Relationship Manager or Mat Parker, Head of Careers & Inclusion, at


IDEA taskforce

To mark its commitment to bring about change across the industry workforce, the ECITB created an Inclusion, Diversity, Equality Action taskforce (IDEA).

IDEA has been established to help ensure diversity and inclusion awareness is embedded across ECITB training standards, to help raise awareness and showcase diversity in action.

To find out more or to connect with IDEA please contact

Our partners

The ECITB is proud to have strategic partnerships with The Association of Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers (AFBE-UK) and the Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (enei)

AFBE-UK provides support and promotes higher achievements in Education and Engineering particularly among students and professionals from ethnic minority backgrounds.

ENEI is the UK’s leading employer network covering all aspects of equality and inclusion issues in the workplace.

The ECITB is a proud supporter of the Tomorrow’s Engineers Code, a community of over 300 organisations working toward common goals to increase the diversity and number of young people entering engineering and tech careers.

We believe that by working with our partners and being able to draw on their experience and insights, it will help us make engineering construction a place where everyone can belong.



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AFBE-UK aims to challenge and inspire people of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) origin to make enhanced contributions in their respective fields, and to add value to their communities using engineering as a platform.

Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers
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A UK-based, not-for-profit organisation that helps employers build and maintain diverse teams and inclusive cultures through our membership, training, and consultancy services.

The Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion
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The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code is a community of over 300 organisations working toward common goals to increase the diversity and number of young people entering engineering and tech careers.

Tomorrow's Engineers Code

ED&I case studies and campaigns

Learn more about our work in ED&I from case studies, previous campaigns and press releases.

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Are we creating space for women in engineering and construction?

We caught up with Jennifer Kerr, Project Performance and Business Improvement Manager at Subsea7, to find out more about her career journey, how she balances her work with having a young family and how she finds being a woman in the Engineering Construction Industry.

The pathway to project management, taking the road less travelled
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Black History Month 2022

See page 59 where Chinwe Odili, Project Engineer at Kent, talks about her perspective and the advice she would give to her younger self.

Black History Month 2022
eSTEAMd Women podcast video thumbnail

eSTEAMd Women podcast

Khaoula Daoud, member of the ECITB Innov8 group joins award winning engineer and television presenter Dr Shini Somara.

eSTEAMd Women Podcast – Khaoula Daoud
INWED 2022 video thumbnail

INWED 2022

As part of the world’s biggest initiative to celebrate the achievements of women in engineering and our allied roles across our sector we assembled a group of pioneers, forward thinkers and change makers to reflect on an unfinished journey.

INWED Roundtable 2022
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A passion for STEM and a chance encounter with engineering

To celebrate the International Women in Engineering Day 2023 (INWED), ECITB’s Deputy Director of Strategy & Policy, Jenny Young shares her views on being a chartered engineer for almost 40 years.

A passion for STEM and a chance encounter with engineering
eSTEAMd Women podcast video thumbnail

eSTEAMd Women podcast

Chinwe Odili, member of the ECITB Innov8 group joins award winning engineer and television presenter Dr Shini Somara.

eSTEAMd Women Podcast – Chinwe Odili

Useful links and information

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