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A new modular university course focused on the energy transition is available in association with the ECITB through the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Aimed at engineers and managers, the Energy Transition Leadership Programme introduces learners to the innovative technologies, organisational strategies and business models that will underpin net zero.

The programme, also developed in conjunction with Robert Gordon University, is delivered through a series of modules which combine online theoretical lectures, self-study and group activities.

A pilot of Module 3 ‘Techno-Economics of Energy Systems and Integration’ started in September with a range of delegates from across the engineering construction industry.  This module aims to introduce delegates to the fundamentals of technoeconomic assessment of energy systems and key aspects of their integration in future energy systems. There is a myriad of ways in which energy can be produced, stored, distributed for national, regional, local and individual consumption. The module gives key emphasis to wind energy systems and thermo-chemical conversion technologies, and their integration into national grid and district heat networks.

Module 2 on ‘Renewable Energy Technologies’ is also available for booking which runs from 25 October to 29 November 2022.  This module examines

the fundamentals of key renewable and low-carbon energy technologies, including geothermal, carbon capture, utilisation and storage, hydrogen production and waste to energy conversion.

Colin Burnett, Managing Director of DPS Group, is one of the delegates taking the current module.

“The course content ranges from the engineering basics behind the principal operation of the technologies discussed, through to problem solving discussions in breakout teams,” said Colin.

“This added to the thought provoking and engaging learning platform provided by the University of Strathclyde made it a very positive experience.”

Chris Claydon, ECITB Chief Executive, said: “This exciting new programme was developed in partnership with both universities and industry, and we are delighted with the response we’ve received from the first cohorts of students to take modules from the programme.

“Every part of our industry will be impacted by the transition to net zero and this course is just one of the ECITB’s new products to support industry leaders and their workforce acquire the knowledge and skills to deliver on the UK’s climate ambitions.

A skilled workforce throughout the supply chain will be vital to successful project delivery – whether that is retrofitting industrial sites for carbon capture, cutting emissions from oil and gas, or ramping up the deployment of wind, nuclear, hydrogen and other low-carbon technologies.”

Professor Ali Mehmanparast from the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering at University of Strathclyde, said: “We are excited to offer the Energy Transition Leadership Programme, in collaboration with ECITB, to equip engineers, managers and thought leaders in industry with the required skill sets for transition towards sustainable energy futures.

“This tailored programme which has been specifically designed for full-time industrial workforces, at different technical and managerial levels, enables the participants to get familiar with the key challenges and opportunities associated with net zero economy, and enables organisations to achieve business growth while contributing to net zero targets.”

The programme will enable delegates to achieve a range of different levels of academic qualification, from Certificate of Attendance (CoA) to credits toward a Postgraduate certificate or diploma (PGCert/PGDip) or MSc. Modules run for five weeks and include topics such as global energy markets, energy transition barriers, renewable energy technologies, energy policy, sustainability and circular economy, teamwork, personal development and leadership, and energy systems integration.

The delegates can directly register on University of Strathclyde’s MyPlace page for Module 2 where there is a link available for online payment. In-scope employers can seek grant funding for the tuition fees in advance through their ECITB Account Manager.

For further information about registration please contact

More about ECITB Net Zero Training Products

As the employer-led skills body for industry, the ECITB is one of the leading organisations focused on supporting the workforce on the path to net zero.

The ECITB works with industry to identify and address the required engineering skills for net zero. We develop training standards to meet industry need, such as Statutory Inspection and Maintenance of Wind Turbines and the Energy Transition and Wind Turbine Technician Scholarship programme targeted at up-and-coming industry professionals.

The ECITB is a member of the UK Government’s Green Jobs Delivery Group which is focused on delivering the workforce and skills requirements for net zero.

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